Hashimoto Lab.
Inorganic Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Past News
◼️ 2024.01.07 Congrats:D3 Matsuoka's paper was accepted by Chem. Lett.
◼️ 2023.12.12 Congrats:D3 Matsuoka's paper was accepted by Chem. Eur. J.
◼️ 2023.11.14 Participated in the 3rd meeting of the Kinki Chemical Society Organic Metals Subcommittee. Professor Hashimoto gave a presentation.
◼️ 2023.11.10 Participated in the 27th Silicon Chemistry Society Symposium. Our laboratory presented a poster on the research results of Fontanillia (D1).
◼️ 2023.10.26 We held an imoni party that also served as a welcome party for third-year students.
◼️ 2023.10.23 I went to Akiu Onsen on a class trip.
◼️ 2023.10.20 We held our annual disaster prevention drill.
◼️ 2023.10.11 Congrats:Assistant Professor Nagata received the Lecture Award at ICPAC 2023.
◼️ 2023.10.07 Congrats: Graduate student Omura-kun's paper was accepted by Chem. Asian J.
◼️ 2023.10.02 Congrats: Five new third-year students have been assigned. Thank you for your continued support.
◼️ 2023.09.12 Assistant Professor Nagata participated in ICPAC 2023 and gave an oral presentation (Keynote).
◼️ 2023.09.29 Congrats: Kajiwara (M1)Tohoku Regional Convention 80th Anniversary International Conference in Excellent Poster Awards was awarded.congratulations【University major homepage].
◼️ 2023.09.26 Congrats: A co-authored paper with graduates Mr. Watanabe, Mr. Yoshimoto, and Mr. Matsuo of Kindai University was accepted by Chem. Eur. J magazine.
◼️ 2023.09.26 Congrats: Nagata and Hashimoto wrote about the latest topics in the October issue of Monthly Chemistry.
◼️ 2023.09.21 73rd Coordination Chemistry SymposiumI participated in. From our laboratory, Matsuoka (D3), Fukushi (M2), and Saito (M2) gave oral presentations.
◼️ 2023.09.13 69th Organometallic Chemistry SymposiumI participated in. From our laboratory, Sato (D3) gave an oral presentation.
◼️ 2023.09.13 Participated in ICPAC-Bali2023. Nagata from our laboratory gave an invited lecture (Keynote).
◼️ 2023.09.08 Chemical Society Tohoku Regional Conference/Chemical Society of Japan Tohoku Branch 80th Anniversary International ConferenceI participated in.From our laboratory, Ishiwatari (D1), Otsuka (M2), Mitake (M2), Kajiwara (M1), and Ono (M1) gave poster presentations.
◼️ 2023.08.08 Our laboratory hosted a chemistry classroom general magazine conference lecture. Hashimoto, Komuro, and Nagata had a discussion. Prof. Dr. Paul Hayes (U. of Lethbridge) gave a lecture. Thank you very much.
◼️ 2023.07.28 Congrats: We held a gyoza party as a farewell party for the graduate school exams. Good luck to everyone in B4!
◼️ 2023.07.04 Our laboratory and Yoshikai Laboratory held a general magazine conference lecture. Hashimoto, Komuro, and Nagata had a discussion. Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Mindiola (U. of Pennsylvania) gave a lecture. Thank you very much.
◼️ 2023.07.01 Congrats: Monthly Kagaku July issueMr. Nagata wrote a paper that attracted attention.
◼️ 2023.06.15 Nozoe Cup 1st round: We played a match against analytical chemistry. Unfortunately, we lost in the first match, but it was a lot of fun. thank you for your hard work.
◼️ 2023.06.02 Congrats: To commemorate the 50th laboratory seminar, we invited Professor Koe Julian from International Christian University to give a special lecture. After the lecture, we held a social gathering with Professor Julian to deepen our friendship. thank you very much.
◼️ 2023.05.26 Participated in the 40th Inorganic/Analytical Colloquium. Sato, a D3 student from our laboratory, gave a presentation.
◼️ 2023.05.10 Congrats: We held a farewell party for Alexandra.
◼️ 2023.04.28 Congrats: Graduate students Mr. Miyazaki and Mr. Inomata's paper was accepted by Organometallics.
◼️ 2023.04.24 The latest research results on the Department of Chemistry website, Faculty of Science, have been updated.
◼️ 2023.04.17 Congrats: Participated in a sports tournament as a joint team of Hashimoto Lab and Hihara Lab.
◼️ 2023.03.22 We joined "The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan". Sato and Fontanilla presented.
◼️ 2022.10.01 New six members (B3) joined HH group. Enjoy chemistry! "Member" was updated!
◼️ 2022.09.17 We attended the "Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies".
Osuka (M1) and Fukushi (M1) presented. "Presentations" was updated!
◼️ 2022.09.01 Congrats : An article by Sato (D2) was accepted to Organometallics for publication. "Publications" is updated.
◼️ 2022.08.12 Congrats : Mr. Matsuoka (D2) won the Best Poster Award. "Awards" was updated!
◼️ 2022.08.07 We attended an ACCC-8. Prof. Hashimoto (invited), Mr. Sato, and Mr. Matsuka (D2) presented.
"Presentations" was updated!
◼️ 2022.06.20 We attended the Scholars Frontiers in Chemistry Forum in German. Dr. Nagata gave oral presentations (invited).
◼️ 2022.06.13 Congrats : An article by a former student (Mochizuki) was accepted to Dalton Transactions for publication.
"Publications" is updated.
◼️ 2022.05.28 The 39th Colloquium on Inorganic Analytical Chemistry was hosted by our laboratory.
【 Prof. Kyushin (Gunma Univ.), Prof. Nishibayashi (Univ. of Tokyo),
Prof. Tanabe (Fukushima Medical Univ.), Prof. Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Prof. Kino (Tohoku Univ.)
The event was held in a hybrid. Mr. Matsuoka (D2) gave a presentation from our laboratory.
Thank you very much for your participation.
◼️ 2022.04.23 Our recent research was featured on the website of the Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University.
"Design and synthesis of iridium complex catalysts supported by silicon-based chelate ligands for functionalization
of C–H bonds of alkylphosphine"
◼️ 2022.04.01 "Members" was updated.
◼️ 2022.03.23 We joined "The 102nd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan".
◼️ 2022.03.22 Congrats : We held a virtual farewell party.
◼️ 2022.02.18 Congrats : Mr. Fontanilla (M1) won the Poster Award (The Science and Life Science Joint Symposium 2022).
◼️ 2021.12.16 We attended The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem) at Hawaii. Prof. Hashimoto and Dr. Nagata gave oral presentations, Sato (D1) and Matsuoka (D1) gave poster presentations.
◼️ 2021.11.16 Dr. Nagata attended a the 6th workshop for young researcher's at Kyoto University (online).
Ass. Prof. Nagata gave an invited lecture.
◼️ 2021.11.09 We attended a lecture of Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuzaka (Osaka Prefecture University)
(host: Prof. Hashimoto at school of Science).
◼️ 2021.10.08 Congrats : Mr. Hayasaka and Mr. Nishihara (M1) won the Poster Award. "Awards" was updated!
◼️ 2021.10.01 New six members (B3) joined HH group. Enjoy chemistry! "Member" was updated!
◼️ 2021.10.01 We attended Area Chemistry Society. Hayasaka and Nishihara (M1) presented. "Presentations" was updated!
◼️ 2021.09.19 Congrats : Mr. Sato (D1) won the Poster Award.
◼️ 2021.09.19 The 71st JSCC Conderence (online).
◼️ 2021.09.08 Congrats : The recently our research paper by Asagami and Higashi was accepted to Organometallics.
◼️ 2021.08.28 We attended a lecture of Prof. Paul G. HAYES (University of Lethbridge, Canada) (virtual visit, host: Prof.
Iwamoto at school of Science). Prof. Hashimoto, Dr. Komuro and Dr. Nagata also attended a personal discussion
with Prof. HAYES.
◼️ 2021.07.28 Prof. Hashimoto gave a mock class for high school students at the online Tohoku University Open House.
◼️ 2021.07.01 Congrats : Highlight review in Chem. Lett. was selected as a Inside Cover.
◼️ 2021.07.01 Congrats : Dr. Nagata was adopted as a Prominent Research Fellow.
◼️ 2021.06.25 "Laboratory Introduction Movie" was released.
◼️ 2021.06.08 "Group Photo" was updated.
◼️ 2021.06.04 All members of our group joined the 38th Colloquium on Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Online). Ass. Phof. Nagata gave an invited lecture.
◼️ 2021.04.06 "Publications" was updated.
◼️ 2021.04.01 "Members" was updated.
◼️ 2021.04.01 Congrats : Dr. Komuro has been promoted to a lecturer.
◼️ 2021.03.25 Congrats : We held a social gathering at ZOOM.
◼️ 2021.03.22 The 101st Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan (online).
◼️ 2021.03.03 Congrats : Mr. Saito (B4) won the Hirama Award.
◼️ 2021.02.19 Joint Symposium on Science and Life (online).
◼️ 2020.12.24 Congrats : Highlight review was accepted to Chemistry Letters.
◼️ 2020.11.09 Mr. Fontanilla joined us as an international student. "Members" was updated.
◼️ 2020.10.01 Congrats : Mr. Omura (M2) won the poster award at the Tohoku Regional Convention.
◼️ 2020.10.01 New six members (B3) joined HH group. Enjoy chemistry!
◼️ 2020.08.06 Congrats : The recently research paper by Mr. Sato (M2) was accepted to Chemistry Letters.
◼️ 2020.07.10 We provided a video for the open campus. (Click here for related websites)
◼️ 2020.07.03 The homepage was updated. (Click here for the old HP )
◼️ 2020.04.01 Mr. Asami joined as the new M1. "Members" was updated.
◼️ 2020.04.01 Congrats : Dr. Koichi Nagata joined as an assistant professor.
◼️ 2020.04.01 Celebration : Hashimoto Lab has started.